IMD _Institute of Media and Design

copyright _IMD

FIELD TRIP | Institute's study trip to China _provided by DAAD

In May 2006, the IMD was visting the chinese cities Beijing and Shanghai to see and reflect the dramatic conversions in urban development of these metropolises. Together with our students, we met academic colleques at the Tsinghua University in Beijing and the Tongji University in Shanghai. Prof. Matthias Karch and the associate lecturer and photographer Wolfgang Zurborn held expert lectures at the College of Architecture and urban Planning of the Tongji University. The IMD invited chinese masterclass-students to visit Germany. In July 2006, the IMD-team guided them through the cities of Berlin, Hamburg and Braunschweig. The chinese guests took part at the final IMD project-presentation 'Beijing Space'.

Directed by: Jennifer Hauger, Carolin Höfler, Frank Seehausen and Prof. Matthias Karch